Powder Coating and Plating Tapes

TAPE-RITE is the one source for all of your powder coating and electroplating tape needs. We have tape for every spec for fast delivery worldwide. We certify what we sell at no additional charge. Our expert advice, large inventory, and small minimum orders means you get the RITE tape at the RITE time. Contact TAPE-RITE today using our contact form or call us at 1(800)882-7348 to see how we can solve your sticky powder coating and electroplating problems.
Masking Tapes for Powder Coating and Electroplating
Die Cut Powder Painting Masks
These tapes can be die cut to whatever shape you need to make your powder painting faster and easier.
We have many stock shapes or we can custom make to your specifications.

Email your drawing(s) to sales@taprite.com so that we can meet your Die Cut Powder Painting Mask requirements.
Contact us at 1(800) 882-7348 or use our contact form for more information.