25CA Polyester Tape

Polyester with a pre-cured solvent resistant electrical grade acrylic adhesive. Excellent heat and abrasion resistance. Used for electrical insulation, edge reinforcement and dissimilar metals separation.

Meets MIL-T-26317C

Specifications Value
Backing thickness ASTM-D-3652 0.001”
Overall thickness ASTM-D-3652 0.0035”
Standard color Clear
Peel adhesion ASTM-D-1000 36 oz/in
Breakdown voltage (Dielectric strength) 5000 volts
Temperature resistance 130° C
Class of insulation C
Tensile strength ASTM-D-1000 24 lbs/in of width
Elongation at breaking ASTM-D-1000 100%
Adhesive Pre-Cured Acrylic
Storage 1 year @ 70° F, 50% humidity