Over the years we've done some pretty neat stuff. Here are some of the best.
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1(800) 882-7348

Tweet Tape
The Tampa Bay Lightning wanted a way to make fans part of game day, so TAPE-RITE made them this tape with fans' tweets on them. Check out their tweet about it!

Clinique Tape
As part of an international marketing program CLINIQUE (a division of ESTÉE LAUDER) needed ultra-clear tape with their name printed on the outside of the core so it could be seen through the tape.
TAPE-RITE sourced and converted the tape, printed the cores and inserted the tape into supplied dispensers. Over the life of this project more than 100,000 rolls were produced.

Die Cut Tape
TAPE-RITE has the ability to die-cut even the most difficult tapes. These are die-cut pieces of Gaffer’s tape that are used to modify the fit of bowling balls.

NASA recently contacted TAPE-RITE for help in streamlining their prototyping process for cryogenics research. They had been hand cutting tape pieces to hold the wires in place. We made them aluminum, copper and Kapton pieces saving them time and money while improving quality.

Triage Tape
Designed for use by paramedics this tape has a triage form printed on it. It’s manufacture required the refinement of printing techniques to produce a legible imprint on cloth medical grade tape. TAPE-RITE's expert production team was able to pull this off. This is much more difficult than you can imagine.

Athletic Tape
TAPE-RITE now offers custom printed athletic tape for schools, teams, leagues, or corporations sponsoring team's events. We can now produce custom printed hockey tape as well as other printed cloth tapes.

Rock-It Clips
Rock-It© clips are an innovative way to repair holes in drywall quickly and easily.
TAPE-RITE takes the supplied raw plastic and perforates it, laminates double-coated tape to it, prints instructions on it and then chops it to length.
Currently supplied to major retailers on a national basis we have produced well over 1,000,000 units during the course of this project.

Tiger Tape
Created as a sewing aid for hand quilters, TIGER TAPE is a narrow width masking tape with a special non-staining adhesive that is printed with a variety of patterns.
TAPE-RITE developed the tape with one of our manufacturing partners. We then print the various patterns and convert it to a variety of finished sizes.

On Course Aviation
On Course Aviation, a leading supplier of training aids to the private aircraft industry, wanted a removable tape that could be printed with a ruler for use in measuring distances and plotting routes on air charts (maps). The tape had to stick effectively yet be easily removable without damage to the charts.
TAPE-RITE developed the tape in conjunction with one of our production partners. We then applied precision printing that is accurate to 0.001″, converted the tape and inserted it into supplied dispensers.
While initially popular, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 reduced the number of private aircraft students and pretty much destroyed this market.

Back in 2014, TAPE-RITE was asked to make printed tape with a removable adhesive that looked like a road so that kids could make their own tracks. Today, PlayTape has won numerous awards as a toy that stimulates young minds.